Captain's Welcome

Club Captain - Paul Walton

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I would like to welcome everybody to the 2024 season and wish everybody good luck in the season ahead. I would like to welcome Sue, our Women’s Captain and Stuart, our Rabbit Captain to their new roles and I would also like to thank Linda Bemrose, Alan Riley, Bob Balcam, together with the rest of the General Committee, all Team Organisers and everyone involved in making the Junior Section such a success.

Thanks must also go to Tom and his staff in the Pro Shop, Mark and his team keeping the course in excellent
condition, and Tina and her lovely bar staff who always make everyone welcome.

So, like most of you golfers I'm going in to this year eyes wide open, but not a clue where it's going! I am
certain that with all your help and cooperation we will have an enjoyable season. Remember a good Captain
is only possible with a good team so I hope everybody supports the club in every way possible.

My charity this year is the Motor Neurone Disease Association, so don't forget, if I catch you in bunker on the
3rd, you will be named and shamed if you dodge paying the charitable contribution.

All the best to everyone and enjoy your season.

Good Luck to everyone.

Best Wishes
Paul Walton, Captain

Rabbit Captain - Stuart Hirst
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Firstly, I would like to introduce myself. I am Stuart Hirst and I have the honour and privilege to be your Rabbit Captain for the 2024/25 season, at this the friendliest of golf clubs.

A big thank you to last year's captain Richard Rogers for his excellent and passionate leadership and also for all his help throughout the year. I would also like to thank the strong Rabbits Committee who will give us a fantastic base to build on for the coming season.

I would like to welcome Rabbits old and new and invite you all to participate in as many events and functions as possible over the year. We have an active Rabbits section hosting many events such as Rabbits Vs Women, Rabbits Vs
Seniors and the Rabbits Vs Tigers, along with the Rabbits League and Rabbits Friendlies. It would be great to see you all participating in as many of these events as you can.

Please do not hesitate to make yourselves known to myself or any Rabbits Committee member about your availability for any of the above events. It is my pleasure to introduce Roy Parker as my Vice-Captain this year. Please support him with the
Rabbits friendlies.

The Head Greenkeeper and his team continue to make improvements to the course, and with the extra support from KAL this year the course should be in excellent condition for the new season. A big thank you to Tom and the Pro-shop team. Tom's lessons have been invaluable to me over the
winter period and I would recommend you all to go and see for yourselves what difference a few lessons can make. I must not forget Tina and her friendly staff in the clubhouse. Please make sure that you call in for a drink or some food before or after your round.

Finally, I would like to wish all the Rabbits, Tigers and Women a successful season and I look forward to seeing you all around the course.

Stuart Hirst
Rabbit Captain

Womens Captain - Sue Renshaw
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When I was asked

When I was asked if I would consider becoming Captain of the Women’s section, I was really shocked that I would be considered for such an important role. Initially I was really worried about the responsibility of this significant role and the fact that I am relatively new to the golfing world. I spoke to a number of our fantastic Women’s members, and I realised the immense support I would receive and so it was with great pride and a degree of trepidation that I accepted the role. It is a great honour to be asked to become Captain of the Women’s section and I will do everything I can to make sure I carry on the excellent work of our previous Captains. I know that I am part of a great team who want to make playing golf at Bradley Park an enjoyable, inclusive and an achievable experience for everyone.

A big thank you must go to all the leaving captains, Carlyn, Hugh and Richard for all their hard work and support this last year. I would like to thank the Women’s Committee for all their continued hard work. I know all our members are grateful for all the work you do behind the scenes. A special mention to our Competition Secretary, Linda Bemrose for her continued hard work in making sure all competitions run smoothly and we are all up to date with the many rules and handicap changes.

Our first year as the Women’s Section has been very successful and I am proud that Bradley Park sees this as a forward-thinking change. We hope that this will attract more women to take up the sport of golf.

I am very extremely pleased that Linda Welsh has agreed to be my Vice-Captain and I look forward to working closely with her to continue the forward momentum in the Women’s section. I also look forward to working with Club Captain Paul Walton, Rabbit Captain Stuart Hirst and Harris Barnes, the Junior Captain. I wish you all well for the coming season.

I would like to thank everyone for their support and encouragement in my upcoming role and I will do my very best to carry on the great work achieved by Carlyn and the women’s committee. I hope that everyone has a great season, that you aim high and achieve your goals.

Sue Renshaw
Women’s Captain 2024-25